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Guacamole Undercover Jetsetter Style

We’ll get to the recipe.

But it's more important to understand why we bring you this recipe.

Sure, it is summer. And guacamole is very healthy for you.

But the biggest reason is (yuk yuk) key economic indicators that go into your guacamole.

The first major economic trend is: avocado prices are going up. The big reason is demand from China.

Why is that? What do the Chinese know?

That leads to the second key economic factor -- (here comes the real yuk yuk) -- Undercover Jetsetter is now seen in China thanks to Tikilive, the cable alternative you can use too.

OK, maybe we are stretching reason number two for our own purposes.

But if the Chinese saw Susan’s guacamole recipe it might cause a run on avocados from Beijing to Hong Kong. She gives you a range of things to make your guacamole healthy but also personal. It really is a perfect summer dish.

Watch here.

One tip Susan gave us: add a little balsamic vinegar.

My tip: make yourself a margarita.

Even though avocado prices are going up, check out Aldi’s and Costco where we have seen lower prices compared to big chain groceries.

And if you are in the Washington DC area, you will want to go to Rosa Mexicano for their guacamole. Take a look.

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