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Sad Day for Undercover Jetsetter

Usually we post fun and exciting stuff here.

But we are saddened by the loss of one our Jetsetters and we had to share her sweet spirit with you.

Sharon Kodama died after a battle with cancer.

Sharon lived on Oahu. In a recent episode, we used her as our Undercover Operative as we explored the North Shore of Oahu.

She was our deciding vote in the Hawaiian shrimp truck battle we urge you all to enjoy.

Here is a portion of that episode.

Sharon was full of life, fun, and optimism.

She was incredibly generous with her time and her love. Always there and ready to lend a hand or drive you and guide you around Oahu.

She was also part of the dinner cruise we featured in one of the episodes. Typical of Sharon, she was not feeling well on the boat due to motion sickness, but you could never tell.

We hope that these videos will bring some joy and beautiful reminders of Sharon to her family and the many saddened friends she leaves behind, including us.

In Hawaii, we say “A hui hou” which means until we meet again, but never good bye.

We know Sharon is in paradise waiting for us to share more stories and give us a guided tour up there.

You are missed, Sharon.

Thank you for your beautiful spirit and all you gave us.

A hui hou.

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